Great Waterfalls !
December 26th, 2004
I spent the day with my office friends - Nyo, Imoet, Pyor n Gbus. At first i really feel terible coz i made my mom mad at me bcoz i'm to careless to drive. I broke many driving rules that morning. Fiuh... I think i haven't see my mom so mad like that for years!
But than, after a while... i can enjoy the trip... First.. we went to
Nongkojajar... Nyo park the car on the Wisma Bethania. We walk through the "
pemukiman" & bushes to get to the waterfall. Gbus wear the wrong sandals, so we get in to each "
waroeng" before we start walking through the bushes. I found an
orange "
sandal jepit", so i buy the pair :) incase my sandals "
putus" in the middle of the that day! But than... Imoet is the one who need to wear that sandals...! haha...
It supposed to be a great view, great waterfall, if the water is not brown. We found it later that the high "
debit air" makes the water full of muds.
Our next stop is the milk store on Batu. I bought 4 bottle of milk. We have lunch in front of that store... I bought 'gado2' and 'tahu campur'. Then we decided to see Cuban Rondo...! Funnn! I like that waterfall. The place is already being an 'objek wisata' but it still great. Not to crowded with people, another great view and cold water. wonderful trip.....!! Then we stopped for bbq corn at the
Pujon. Then.... we going back home... Not straight to Subaya, Imoet and Nyo eat some durian on the side of the street... and Pyor bought some peanuts at Indra II.
Then... we end the day with full of memories of that day....:)!
My Christmas day
December 25th, 2004
I spent the Christmas day by going to Emak's grave and Sidoarjo mini mall with mom. Then we - me, mom n dad - went to church that afternoon and really greatful to have that day, eventhough Raymond just chosen to spend the whole day with his friends! Than we pick up Risa n Andre, and Nick too, to Barata and have a wonderful christmas dinner and nice gift cross there.
I've got a black little bag. mom get a nice blouse. Andre get a camera bag and a short. Raymond get a par sandals, dad get 3 T-shirts, and Rissa get a pair of earrings and a "daster". Nick get a little funny clothes and a set of bowling. Everyone gets what they needs :)
Than i watch 'Sister act 1 & 2' on the television. i went to bed with hopes that tommorow - Dec6th, 2004 - will be a great wonderful day! I just wish tommorrow will be a nice weekend.
What a Day!
Today is a really busy day for me. I woke up in the morning and start to think about my farewell lunch with Rbk for tommorrow. Then start to printing letters - my last mails for the BCs dan the Supervisors before i quit the job. Ci Sin is on the bad mood all day, and i just don't want to disturb her much. I think, she's really need a vacation someday. But she just haven't realized it yet now. She even have the plant to over work this holiday.
Today, i feel that i might miss the office. Not becoz of the "married" talk, or the gossips, but meeting those women have changes me a bit. I've learned to be an accounting staff, a friend, a girl and a woman. I've learned that nothing can done perfect if you're in a hurry. I've learned that i need to opened my heart to make friends with anybody. Well, Maybe I can't get along with them to well coz i have many lies in my relationship with them. I lied about myself, I lied about my work, I lied about things that i've been hidding from them.
Well... there's another thing. They give me a present that i never think. They bought me a gold ring. I know that they always give gift for the people who giving birth, people who want to quit the job, people who sick or died. But in the middle of these heavy times??? Much of overtime, those data and work on their tables....
So... I really surprised when i've opened my drawer and found a present in it. I've directly opened it and found the ring and an orange heart for my car accesorry. Like it ? Yes especially coz i know that those things are from them. I feel my eyes start to be wet, but luckily it don't fall into tears :). See how much they touch my heart. I've just never wish for this day. I just want a happy ending... but this is way too much...
I wont forget them. Hopefully my last day tommorrow will be a perfect closing.
My Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel.You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
New Day, New Life
Hari ini, kondisi badanku kayaknya udah engga terlalu mengganggu lagi. Masih agak cape emang, tapi engga separah kemarin apalagi pas hari Jumat dan Sabtu kemarin. I have much much better today!!! Aku udah bisa nyetir mobil ke kantor lagi. Agak gugup, seperti baru pertama memegang setir, agak terburu2 pula, kembali ke cara nyetirku yang lama, jauh sebelum tabrakan ke2ku. Jujur, hari ini aku sangat takut menabrakkan mobilku ke-3 kalinya. Thank God that it not happend.
Ciciek Cilla n Ari juga udah pulang. Rumahku agak sepi, tapi belum sesepi biasanya. Masih ada Tt. Niniek, Opa Liu n Om Hans-Naniek. Hari ini aku seperti ga siap untuk bekerja. Terlalu sedih? Kurasa tidak. Aku merelakan kepergian Emak dengan semestinya, aku hanya agak kecewa dengan diriku karena aku engga mampu lebih menyenangkan Emak semasa hidupnya. Aku dapat mengatasi perasan ini. Dulu kan bisa... Waktu akan membantuku.
Emak In Memory....
Orang mengetahui Emak sebagai seorang nenek yang keras dan kuat. Aku mengenalinya sebagai seorang yang mandiri, penuh kasih dan kelembutan, jago masak, tapi sayang lumayan pemarah juga :) Tul kan, Mak??! Sifat Vanie yang satu itu juga turunan dari Emak kayaknya. :D
Vanie masih ingat kilau bangga di mata emak waktu menceritakan keberhasilannya mendapatkan tasnya kembali dari tangan penjambret di pasar dengan tendangannya :p. Bisa bayangin, emak yang berumur 65an menghentikan penjambret??!! Jarang lho ada kejadian gitu! Hehehe... Emakku emang jagoan!!!
Emak yang demen banget beli roti! Waduh .... tukang roti langgangan kayaknya kehilangan banget deh, Mak. Emak yang hampir tiap hari, entah pagi atau sore beli roti dagangannya. Roti buat sarapan pagi qta sekeluarga, plus roti buat sarapannya Angel ama Howie! Emak juga yang bantuin Vanie melihara Miko yang terlantar karena Vanie yang terlalu sibuk.
Emak juga yang inget semua kesukaan Vanie. Bistik yang Emak bikin emang belum ada duanya. Resto manapun ga ada yang seenak punya Emak. Apalagi pastel goreng istimewanya Emak. Hem..... You're the best deh, Mak. Ultah Vanie yang terakhir sama Emak, Emak masakin Soto Banjar special plus Satenya. Istimewa buat Vanie. Awalnya Vanie bingung ga mau bikin emak susah - takut emak kecapekan, tapi akhirnya Vanie seneng juga, karena Emak rela bikinin semua itu buat Vanie. Tenkyu Mak.
Minggu itu pas di Jakarta, Vanie terlalu sibuk dengan liburan, ingin sekali merasakan liburan, seneng2, tak peduli dengan keadaan Emak. Egois. Akhirnya meninggalkan Jakarta tanpa firasat sedikitpun. Dan terjadilah.... 1 Desember 2004. Bye bye Emak.... Vanie Sayang Emak... Maafin Vanie ya Mak, buat semua kesalahan Vanie.....
What Happend Today?
Kondisi badanku semakin memburuk kayaknya... tapi engga demam. Bukan lagi karena kehabisan baterai.... yang bisa diobati dengan tidur panjang! Badanku kedinginan melulu. Selimut n bedcover udah membungkus tubuhku rapat2, tapi tetap saja hawa dingin itu begitu mengusik. Udah merencakan akan ijin sakit di Rembaka kalo pagi ini engga membaik, tapi ternyata pagi ini aku merasa siap untuk bekerja.
Sampai di kantor badanku semakin menggigil. bajuku udah kurangkap 3, tapi tetap saja itu engga membantu banyak. Aneh, kedinginan tapi engga demam. So, saat ruangan di sapu, aku berusaha berjalan mondar mandir di luar luarang, sekedar mencari kehangatan, tapi ga tau kenapa, semua usahaku sia2 saja.
Saat ruangan selesai di sapu, Mbak Mimin bilang, Ciciek n Eren abiz telepon. Dan bodohnya aku, aku ga menuruti pesan Ciciek yang memintaku menelponnya balik. Then, at 9am, mom called me. "Emak udah engga ada. Emak jatuh dari kamar mandi." Hah???! Are you sure mom? We left her allright that day! Entahlah... perasaanku bercampur jadi satu. Sedih, bingung, kehilangan, bercampur marah pada diriku... aku yang engga pernah meluangkan waktu untuk lebih menyenangkan emak!!!
Well well... i'm still crying now. Kukira aku sudah terlalu banyak menangis akhir2 ini. Capek, Bosan!!! Hemmm i bring home a lot of work today. Hoping that my mind keep focusing on the work. I'll cheer up soon.