A Week Review
Last Week....
Monday, have the meeting, and keep working until me and bo decided to go to TP. *Yes, TP again :p* sek kepikiran beli sepatu engga ya... sepatu itu masih ada di etalase... masih disc 20% pula.... Makan di Bakerzine, rugi aslie, haruse kalo makan hr selasa isa buy 1 get 1 dessertnya :p. Tapi gpp. Aku Kkuuuenyang puuooolll !!! (Tuna sandwichku tak habiskan sampe ludes. Sisa dikit si rotinya, tapi isa dibilang ludes kok.) Tapi jam 6an akhirnya aku masih bisa makan nasi mbe ikan goreng :)). Ancen perute melar kayake =D.
Tuesday, at home for the whole day, then Mey Ling ask me out. Yipeeee...! Nice to see her again ^^. Nice to hear her voice again.
Wednesday, delivering parcel to Erens office, then together we went to JMP, finding curtain for the new house at the JMP. Jembatan Merah Plaza (JMP) is famous of its fabric collections. We finnally make up our mind at the last shop.
Thursday, I finnaly found the cross and a holy bible that suite with my criteria :p. For the price 34rb and 69rb. It is quite nice and fit with my budget. I also went to Yudi Salon and decided to ask them colouring my hair ^^. The colour that I really like ;)). I like to colour much tahn before, but... now I can see how much I really need to have my hair cut. Soon! Soon! Just wait for a little while ^^.
Friday, stay at the new house for the whole day. And I really mean "whole as whole day" :p. I stay there to wait the furniture man and the curtain man. Lucky me that I have this laptop with me.
Saturday, survei hotel n apartement, batal badminton, trus malemnya dinner di Dapur Desa mbe Eren, beli sanyo ke Hartono, trus pulang dehhhh.
Sunday, Mbak Enny mudik, trus aku nungguin Naryo bersihin tandon n masang pompa. Trussss ke gereja bareng papa-mama, trus ke hartono tukar pompa. Pompanya bermasalah si. N aku akhirnya beli setrika. Huehehe... n langsung tak coba buat nyetrika malam ini. Uenakkk! G nyesel rek beli Phillip :p Rp. 130rb di Hartono. Abis nanya2, ternyata setrika steam itu banyak di komplain orang lhoooo. sooo mending beli yang biasa ae, tapi kualitetnya bagus ^^.
wew... banyaknyaaaa kegiatan sehari2ku seminggu ini :p. Welehhh baru sadar... bahasaku kok belang belonteng ??? :o
Monday, have the meeting, and keep working until me and bo decided to go to TP. *Yes, TP again :p* sek kepikiran beli sepatu engga ya... sepatu itu masih ada di etalase... masih disc 20% pula.... Makan di Bakerzine, rugi aslie, haruse kalo makan hr selasa isa buy 1 get 1 dessertnya :p. Tapi gpp. Aku Kkuuuenyang puuooolll !!! (Tuna sandwichku tak habiskan sampe ludes. Sisa dikit si rotinya, tapi isa dibilang ludes kok.) Tapi jam 6an akhirnya aku masih bisa makan nasi mbe ikan goreng :)). Ancen perute melar kayake =D.
Tuesday, at home for the whole day, then Mey Ling ask me out. Yipeeee...! Nice to see her again ^^. Nice to hear her voice again.
Wednesday, delivering parcel to Erens office, then together we went to JMP, finding curtain for the new house at the JMP. Jembatan Merah Plaza (JMP) is famous of its fabric collections. We finnally make up our mind at the last shop.
Thursday, I finnaly found the cross and a holy bible that suite with my criteria :p. For the price 34rb and 69rb. It is quite nice and fit with my budget. I also went to Yudi Salon and decided to ask them colouring my hair ^^. The colour that I really like ;)). I like to colour much tahn before, but... now I can see how much I really need to have my hair cut. Soon! Soon! Just wait for a little while ^^.
Friday, stay at the new house for the whole day. And I really mean "whole as whole day" :p. I stay there to wait the furniture man and the curtain man. Lucky me that I have this laptop with me.
Saturday, survei hotel n apartement, batal badminton, trus malemnya dinner di Dapur Desa mbe Eren, beli sanyo ke Hartono, trus pulang dehhhh.
Sunday, Mbak Enny mudik, trus aku nungguin Naryo bersihin tandon n masang pompa. Trussss ke gereja bareng papa-mama, trus ke hartono tukar pompa. Pompanya bermasalah si. N aku akhirnya beli setrika. Huehehe... n langsung tak coba buat nyetrika malam ini. Uenakkk! G nyesel rek beli Phillip :p Rp. 130rb di Hartono. Abis nanya2, ternyata setrika steam itu banyak di komplain orang lhoooo. sooo mending beli yang biasa ae, tapi kualitetnya bagus ^^.
wew... banyaknyaaaa kegiatan sehari2ku seminggu ini :p. Welehhh baru sadar... bahasaku kok belang belonteng ??? :o
2 comment(s):
Cieh.. org sibuk..
Cewe dimana2 sama ya.. kalo ke toko yg ada lambang '%' selalu ber-binar2 :D
Anonymous, at
11:19 AM
mulai saturday dah kacau...tambah belakang tambah ruwet bahasae...hahahaha
Unknown, at
3:26 PM
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