beatz d nadtz

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Liburanku oh liburanku...

Sept 29 - Oct 5, 2005
Bandung - West Java, Indonesia
Crew Members : Nyo, Bo, Yendy, Vanie, Gbus, Juz
Additional crew members : Blaze, Pyor, Vles, Om Erwin

I. The most favorite spots :
1. Sapu Lidi --> makan di tepi sawah
2. Pasir putih Pangandaran --> liat ombak keren, manjat pohon n karang
3. The Valley --> liat city light

II. The most favorite foods :
1. Fresh Stroberi --> di Ciwidey. nyam nyam ^-^
2. Sirup Stroberi --> made by Gbus
2. Sea food Pangandaran --> murah meriah
3. Brownies Amanda --> susah nyarinya, thx to nyo.

III. The most favorite FO :
Rumah Mode --> kursi duduk-e keren

IV. The most favorite hotel :
Hotel Pantai Sri Rahayu --> lokasi di pantai timur, lgs menghadap pantai. So nice n clean.

V. The most favorite date :
30 Sept 2005

VI. The most suck activities :
1. waiting
2. waiting
3. waiting
4. waiting n waiting n waiting.

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