Far...far away...Sempu....
Huhhhh the day is really sucks... i hate my work today, i hate my drive today, i hate my lunch today, i just hate everything about today!!!I woke up in the morning with a smiley face, i already imagine my weekend at Sempu Island! I just wanna see Ci Sin as soon as possible and tell her to give me a day off on Saturday Sept 4th. Well i have no thoughts that it will be so difficult....! I still have two days off right? So it wont be any matter if i just wanna take one of them to please me on the weekend! But she told me that i can't take the day off suddenly like this! she told me to ask it about a month before it! huhhhhH!!!! A month??? Huhhhhh! I feels like wanna scream, wanna cry... wanna puch everything!
So... I just call Nyo that i could go... huhhhh!!! Bye bye Sempu Island... why u seems so far far away from Surabaya???? Well, one more time... i can't go anywhere during the weekend! Maybe i will spent it by watching VCD's again... ohhhh so sad sad.... sadday....
I just can't wait till December....!!! hope the time will go by.... sooner that i thoughts....!
1 comment(s):
Vaniee... ^-^
So sorry that u couldn't go this weekend. But Sempu is not going anywhere, right? I think my sense is also right when telling me NOT to go, coz.... well, today after arrived at home I just realized that I haven't prepared the material for my Tutorial next Monday! Fiuuh... thx God. SO, see... everything happens for a reason. U'll get ur prize, too;)
coolz, at
1:33 AM
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